Below are resources compiled on topics of particular interest to CCI partner congregations.
Called to Racial Justice Resources
There are a lot of great racial justice resources available. We are highlighting those recommended by the CCI congregations and those that focus on calling. Please email Jessie with other suggestions.
Vocational Questions Concerning the Call to Racial Justice — these questions are intended for a group of people in predominantly White congregations, discerning both individual and communal callings to a ministry of racial justice.
Pray, Study, and Work: Benedictine ideas for discerning anti-racism — this article, written by Jessie Bazan, suggests ways white Christians discerning how to be anti-racist can take action through study, prayer, and work around related social issues.
The Call of This Moment: An Anti-Racism Workshop with Rev. Jacqui Lewis – Rev. Jacqui Lewis says, “We become who we become because of the stories that shape us.” Race is a story that profoundly shapes our callings. In her two-part workshop, Lewis helps participants take stock of their individual stories of race and considers how we can change the story of race in the United States. The workshop videos cost $25 to download and come highly recommended from the Plymouth team.
White Privilege: Let’s Talk — A Resource for Transformational Dialogue — Members of First Congregational UCC in Boulder are using this curriculum, developed by United Church of Christ leadership, to discern their communal calling for this time.
Prayer of Confession — written by Rev. Erica Cooper of Plymouth Church, this prayer acknowledges how “we have turned away from the calling of your Spirit to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly.” Cooper asks the Holy Spirit for forgiveness and to “ignite our hearts to pursue your vision for our world.”
Prayer for the Spirit — written by Rev. Mark Patrick of Colonial Church, this prayer asks for the intercession of the Holy Spirit as the community confronts racism and discerns action, for “only by your spirit can we create the faith community you have always called us to be.”
Called to Lament and Hope Resources
Lament Exercise — This exercise lays out a form for writing a lament, using Psalm 22 as a template.
Nature as Practice in Grief — The intention of this practice is to recover in your memory places in nature you have gone for consolation and to return there or find new places in the natural world that comfort you.
Ryland Angel Chants Psalm 142 — “I cry to the Lord with my voice. I pour out my complaint before him, and tell him all my troubles …”